My research work is focused on control and state estimation problems in aviation and aerial robotics.
Let me go back a little to talk about my background…
Before being concerned with aerial robotics, I worked on a student satellite project, named ITASAT, at Instituto Tecnologico de Aeronautica (ITA). It was in 2006-2008. In particular, I was involved in the design and evaluation of attitude determination algorithms. The main results of this work are reported in my master’s thesis.
Just after my participation in the ITASAT project, I started my Ph.D. studies in the Department of Systems and Control at ITA under the supervision of Professor Takashi Yoneyama. My Ph.D. thesis has focused on the optimal state estimation of stochastic systems subject to faults.
Research Topics
Back to aerial robotics, here is a list of research topics I have been investigating since 2012:
- Flight dynamic modeling of aerial vehicles
- Design of flight control laws
- Control allocation
- Path planning and guidance with obstacle avoidance
- Attitude determination, navigation, and tracking
- Software and Hardware-in-the-loop simulation
- Autonomous decision making